Bespoke application

We are proud to show you that our Cartonplast® fluted PP sheets as well as Exalite® honeycomb core sheets are suitable for any bespoke packaging solution: from POS to logistics of components for several industrial sectors.

Containers for POS – bespoke


This product is the perfect example of our comprehensive approach from design to production for customers that have very specific needs.
Beside the aesthetics of the Cartonplast® sleeve, high-end digitally printed, this design is functional and reusable. Durable, handy, the perfect container suited to the POS: shape, configuration, as well as size can be adjusted based on your requirements.

Separators and dividers


Karton offers a wide range of inner liners in both Cartonplast® and Exalite®. Compared to cardboard (or other rigid materials) separators, our products guarantee excellent and lightweight protection.
Unlike cardboard, they are water repellent, easy to clean, reusable for several cycles and can be coupled with non-woven fabric where it is necessary to protect aesthetic components from scratches.
Fully customizable in size and shape, thicknesses may vary from 2 to 12 mm, depending on the components’ weight.
At the end of their useful life, Karton separators are 100% recyclable



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